Immediate Past President’s Message
It’s hard to imagine that this time last year, I was writing to you about my goals for my term as President of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS). Time goes by so quickly, but a lot of important work has been accomplished in 2018.
Shortly before being elected President, we received the results of the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) survey that more than 10,000 of you completed, approximately a 60% response rate. Forty percent of those responding expressed interest in a longitudinal assessment program and we very quickly began work on this assessment platform.
Additional details about the ABOS Web-Based Longitudinal Assessment (ABOS WLA) are provided in this issue, but I want to share all the great work that has been accomplished with this new program to date. We have worked closely with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and all the subspecialty societies to identify subject-matter experts among you in order to form 10 Knowledge Source Groups. These Knowledge Source Groups have identified 101 Knowledge Sources that are peer reviewed articles, clinical guidelines, or book chapters of current interest to the practice of orthopaedic surgery and subspecialties that Diplomates can choose from for study. These Knowledge Sources will be available for the Diplomate to review beginning in January 2019. The online platform enabling access to the Knowledge Sources and to answer questions is in the development phase, having been initially tested by a group of Diplomates. Based on their initial feedback, we are updating the tool. Along with the ABOS WLA, the nine Practice-Profiled testing options in the form of a standard Computer-Based Recertification Examination are still available, as well as the Oral Recertification Examination. All of these pathways satisfy the Part III Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirement.
The content of the Computer-Based Recertification Examinations, as well as the Part I examination have been updated, and Examination Blueprints for these examinations are available at These Blueprints are available to all Diplomates and Candidates and are a great tool when preparing for an Examination.
In my message 12 months ago, I talked about improving communication with Diplomates, subspecialty societies, and the public. In July, we launched a new website that shows patients the value of choosing an ABOS Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon: To further boost communication we have developed new ABOS logos that are available lapel pins, window clings, and a website widget. ABOS Board Certification is something to be proud of, and we encourage you to let your patients know of the high qualifications that you have achieved. Additionally, the ABOS has increased its presence at national meetings, facilitating one-on-one interactions between Directors and Diplomates. We had a large presence at the 2018 AAOS Annual Meeting in New Orleans and had information tables staffed by ABOS office personnel as well as ABOS Directors at four subspecialty society annual meetings. Many Directors and our Executive Medical Director, Dr. David Martin, have spoken at various State and Regional Orthopaedic Surgery Meetings.
While working with the American Orthopaedic Association’s (AOA) Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD), the ABOS has developed a Surgical Skills Assessment Program that allows faculty to assess resident surgical skills in the performance of core orthopaedic surgery procedures. This is done through a smartphone platform and allows residents to receive immediate feedback on their performance. We’re also working with residency programs on a tool to assess resident behavioral skills. In addition, residency time in training requirements have been modified to accommodate for conditions requiring medical leave and we have migrated residency administrative forms from paper to the electronic environment. These and other initiatives have required the ABOS to closely interact and partner with the CEO’s of both the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) as well as the leadership of other ABMS member Boards, further advancing those working relationships.
Without a doubt, it has been a busy, productive, and fulfilling year for me. I want to recognize Vice President Dr. Terry Peabody, Executive Medical Director Dr. David Martin, Chief Operating Officer Aaron White, the Directors of the ABOS, and all the central office staff for their drive, passion for physician self-regulation through the ABOS, and their steadfast support over the last year. It has been an incredible honor and the highlight of my career to serve the public as the President of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. Thank you to all the Diplomates of the ABOS for the high standards of orthopaedic surgery care and conduct that you display to our patients every day. I believe in physician self-regulation and I believe in the work of this great organization.
Congratulations to Dr. Douglas Lundy, our new President of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. I look forward to serving under his leadership.
Peter M. Murray, MD
Immediate Past President, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
President’s Message
I am honored to be President of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) for the next 12 months. It’s an exciting time for the organization, especially with the ABOS Web-Based Longitudinal Assessment (ABOS WLA) starting in January.
Dr. Peter Murray did a great job as President and it will be a smooth transition as much of what he has worked on, I will continue to do. I will strongly depend on the guidance and friendship of ABOS Vice President Dr. Charles Saltzman.
Like you, I’m a practicing orthopaedic surgeon, and like many of you, I am in private practice. I’m an orthopaedic trauma surgeon in Atlanta, Georgia and have been an ABOS Diplomate since 2001. I’m scheduled to take the new Orthopaedic Trauma Practice-Profiled Recertification Examination next year, but I think that I will take the ABOS WLA for my next recertification. Even though I am a private-practice orthopaedic trauma surgeon, the idea of keeping up with the whole body of literature through the WLA is very attractive and intriguing. I’m proud to be an ABOS Diplomate and you will often see me wearing my ABOS Board Certified pin.
I previously served as Treasurer of the ABOS and was Chair of the ABOS Oral Examination Committee. I’m proud of the changes we’ve made to the Oral Examination—both Part II and Oral Recertification Examination—to make it easier on examinees while providing a valid Examination. If you’ve taken the Part II Examination many years ago, you won’t recognize it now; everything is electronic, and the Candidates do not bring any images or files with them.
For the upcoming year, the ABOS WLA will be a major focus of mine. It’s going to be a great way for Diplomates to recertify, for those who want to use it. It has taken a lot of work from dozens of people, from Diplomates choosing the Knowledge Sources and writing the questions, to ABOS staff and vendors—especially the technical experts—to make it a reality. I’ve talked to many Diplomates who are excited to take the ABOS WLA.
Charlie Saltzman and I are working closely with President-elect Rick Wright and Secretary Josh Jacobs to effectively provide smooth continuity for the next few years. We will continue to execute the strategic plan of the ABOS. One of our overarching goals is to simultaneously execute our mission of ensuring the safe, ethical, and effective practice of orthopaedic surgery all while reducing the burden of the process on the practicing orthopaedic surgeon. Success in this area will increase the value of Board Certification to the individual Diplomate, and collectively as a whole.
Finally, I’m excited for our new Director-Elects: Dr. Kevin Garvin and Dr. Wayne Sebastianelli. They bring a lot of experience and leadership and are great additions to the Board.
If you ever need to reach me, please email me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Douglas W. Lundy, MD, MBA
President, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Executive Medical Director’s Report
You should have received an email on November 2 from the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) about the new ABOS Web-Based Longitudinal Assessment Program (ABOS WLA). This program will launch in January 2019. Please review the email carefully and also visit the new webpage devoted to the ABOS WLA at
Many Diplomates are excited about the ABOS WLA program and the options that it will offer for them to satisfy the Part III Knowledge Assessment requirement of the ABOS Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process. Diplomates will still have the option to take either an ABOS Computer-Based or an ABOS Oral Recertification Examination if they so desire. For those wishing to participate in the ABOS WLA, there is nothing to do currently other than familiarize themselves with the program. Starting January 2, 2019, more than 100 Knowledge Sources will be available for review on the ABOS website. If Diplomates choose to participate in the ABOS WLA program, they would review 15 of the Knowledge Sources in depth and would have the opportunity to start the knowledge assessment portion of the ABOS WLA on April 15, 2019. Once the ABOS WLA Assessment Fee is paid, a Diplomate can start answering questions and begin participating in the 2019 ABOS WLA program. Answering 120 questions correctly or earning five quality years of successful participation are required to meet MOC requirements.
The ABOS, with significant input and cooperation from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Orthopaedic Subspecialty Societies, are finalizing the list of Knowledge Sources and are writing the ABOS WLA questions based on the Knowledge Sources. With more than 100 Knowledge Sources to choose from, you will be able to find sources in your area of interest and match those to your practice. Diplomates with a Surgery of the Hand or Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Subspecialty Certificate can use the ABOS WLA to Recertify both their General and Subspecialty Certificates, as long as they pick at least five Knowledge Sources in their Subspecialty in each year that they participate in the ABOS WLA program.
In addition to the overview of the ABOS WLA program on the new webpage, I highly recommend clicking on the link to the year that your Certificate expires. That will give you important information on participation and on MOC, such as when you need to submit your Application, Case List, and CMEs/SAEs. The ABOS WLA only satisfies the Part III requirement of ABOS’s MOC program, and you will still need to complete the other requirements as you have in the past.
If you are unsure about the ABOS WLA, you can try it in 2019—assuming that you are eligible and you pay the fee (1/5th of the standard fee each year). If you like it, you can continue in 2020. If not, you still have the option to take either an ABOS Computer-Based Examination or an ABOS Oral Recertification Examination as you normally would have.
One additional reason that you may want to participate in the ABOS WLA is that the activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. This credit is being awarded by the AAOS. Questions regarding CME credit earned for the ABOS WLA should be directed to the AAOS.
If you have any questions about the ABOS WLA or MOC in general, an ABOS Certification Specialist can help you. In addition, I enjoy talking to Diplomates and welcome your feedback. I can be reached at or you can schedule a time for a telephone conference by calling 919-929-7103.
David F. Martin, MD
Executive Medical Director, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
2018-2019 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) recently selected its 2018-2019 Officers and elected two new Directors-Elect.
Douglas W. Lundy, MD, MBA, Co-President of Resurgens Orthopaedics in Atlanta, Georgia, will serve as ABOS President. He, along with the President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary, hold their offices for one one-year term.
Charles L. Saltzman, MD, Chair of Orthopaedics and the LS Peery Presidential Endowed Professor at the University of Utah, will serve as ABOS Vice President.
Rick W. Wright, MD, Jerome J. Gilden Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Executive Vice Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University, will serve as ABOS President-Elect.
Joshua J. Jacobs, MD, William A. Hark, MD and Susanne G. Swift Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, will serve as ABOS Secretary.
Frederick M. Azar, MD, Chief of Staff of Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics and Professor at the University of Tennessee-Campbell Clinic Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, has been re-elected as ABOS Treasurer for a one-year term.
“Once again, we have an excellent group of practicing orthopaedic surgeons leading the ABOS,” said David F. Martin, MD, ABOS Executive Medical Director. “These Officers represent a wide variety of specialties and practice settings that reflect our Diplomates’ practices.”
The Board also elected two Directors-Elect: Kevin L. Garvin, MD, L. Thomas Hood, MD Professor and Chair, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Nebraska, and Wayne J. Sebastianelli, MD, Kalenak Professor in Orthopaedics at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and Medical Director, Penn State Sports Medicine.
“Dr. Garvin and Sebastianelli are two dedicated leaders in orthopaedic surgery and we are happy that they are joining the ABOS Board,” said Martin. “
The ABOS Board of Directors consists of 21 members, which includes 12 Active Directors, six Senior Directors, two Directors-Elect, and one Public Member Director. ABOS Board Members serve one 10-year term while the Public Member Director serves a three-year renewable term. Nominations to the ABOS Board of Directors come from the American Orthopaedic Association, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and the American Medical Association. Officers are current Board members elected by other Board members. For a full list of ABOS Board Members, go to